Kalki Avatar has already incarnated in India! Per prophecies in 'Bhavishya Malika,' Third World War will happen by 2025 & Satya Yuga (Golden Age) will commence by 2032. Barely any time left before mayhem engulfs the world! 'Dharma' will be the sole savior. Wake up!

As prophesied in Bhavishya Malika, the Third World War will be primarily an atomic war culminating in inconceivable mayhem. The war, which will start with traditional weapons, will soon catapult into a nuclear war and will wreath unimaginable mayhem in the world. The participating countries will be India, supported by Russia, Germany, Japan, and France on one side. They will be pitted against an ally of China, Pakistan, America, 13 Muslim countries, African countries, Europe, and England. The war will wreak catastrophic effects on Europe and America, with drastic climate changes. In America and Europe, the air will be polluted with poisonous gases because of the war, and unfortunately people will lose their lives in large numbers. The effects of this war will be so catastrophically destructive in Europe and America that it is very difficult to describe. America and Europe will face a wrathful ruination. America and Europe will start the war expediting towards damnation, bringing vicious massacre to their own nations.

We should reflect upon that in the Mahabharata war when Ashwathama had triggered the Brahmastra (a deadly weapon that can decimate the whole universe), the revered sage Vyasadev, upon Lord Krishna’s request, had disabled it. Thus, in the Dwapara Yuga, the Lord saved human civilization and the universe from catastrophic annihilation. But in the present scenario, when the atomic war breaks out, none of the nations has the power or know-how to counteract and manage its impact. All countries possess nuclear weapons but don’t know how to disable them. Only the Lord can undo it. In the Dwapar yuga, the Lord saved the world from the wrath of the Brahmastra. Who will rescue India and the world from the devastating impact of the impending nuclear war? Lord Shri Krishna has incarnated as Lord Kalki and has taken birth in the holy land of Odisha (a state in India). In the soon-to-start war, Lord Kalki will work as per His plans. When the world and the entire universe are under the spell of disaster, Lord Kalki will do something to counteract it.

Thus, India will ultimately emerge victorious, and the countries longing for the war will be vanquished.

The writings in our holy scriptures, such as ‘Srimad Bhagavatam’ and ‘Srimad Ramcharitramanas,’ presage events till a point, and details about the subsequent future events are written in our Malika. Many clairvoyants from India and worldwide have prophesied future events, but Malika is not written by any clairvoyant! Instead, Lord’s divine companions (Panchasakha), under the direction of the Supreme Lord Himself, have written Malika. Thus, the prophecies of Malika are etched in stone. The Sun could rise in the west, or lotus flowers can bloom on mountain peaks, but the words of Malika will never be falsified as the words in Malika have directly come from the mouth of the Supreme Lord Himself. Therefore, devotees of the Lord should consider the exigency of Time and take refuge under the Lord’s lotus feet.

“mleccha-nivaha-nidhane kalayasi karavalam
dhumaketum iva kim api karalam
kesava dhrita-kalki-sarira jaya jagadisa hare”

     (Source: Gita Govinda by Poet Jayadeva)

“O Kesava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of Kalki, the destroyer of the barbarians or “mlecchas”! All glories to You! You carry a sword, which looks like a comet, for killing the barbarians in the battle of the end of the world. O Lord Kalki, may all glories be unto You!”

Welcome to the official international website of ‘Sudharma Maha Maha Sangh,’ aka ‘Vishwa Sanatan Dharma,’ dedicated to propagating the message of ‘Bhavishya Malika.’ Our esteemed Pandit Shree Kashinath Mishra has studied Malika for over four decades and is preaching the essence of Malika to spread the fundamental principles and values of ‘Sanatan Dharma’ before the imminent destruction and protection of humanity.

‘Bhavishya Malika’ is an ancient and priceless treasure of Odisha containing numerous prophecies about future events, meticulously written on copper plates and palm leaves by the five closest friends and devotees of Lord Krishna, popularly known as the ‘Panchasakha.’ These prophecies are becoming uncannily accurate to date, and we have been sharing detailed descriptions of the end of Kali Yuga, the incarnation of Kalki, forewarnings about World war 3, the impending doom that Pancha Bhoota will cause, and different vital events prophesied in ‘Bhavishya Malika’ on our social media platforms.

Kali Yuga has come to an end, and we are entering a new golden age. Kalki Avatar has descended, and we have barely any time left. The change will be visible worldwide for the next few years, and Satyayug will manifest by 2031-32.

Therefore, we humbly request that all ‘Bhagwat’ lovers adopt the five gems – Truth, love, kindness, forgiveness, and peace. As devotees of Sanatan Dharma, we encourage you to regularly engage in ‘Satsang,’ which means associating with the Truth. We must perform Tri-Sandhya according to the instructions in ‘Bhavishya Malika,’ which have been explained in detail on our website. In addition, we recommend that you recite at least one chapter of the Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran daily. This sacred text contains profound teachings and stories about Lord Krishna, which can help you cultivate feelings of purity and devotion towards the Lord. Regularly engaging in these practices can deepen your spiritual practice and draw you closer to the divine.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or doubts or are interested in joining this ‘dhara.’ You can also click on the WhatsApp link to join our WhatsApp group to get regular updates and guidance.

We pray that you use the information this website shares towards your spiritual journey and ultimately take shelter in Lord Kalki.

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