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About Us

We are from ‘Sudharma Maha Maha Sangh,’ (Biswa Sanatan Dharma Seva Trust). We have teams throughout the World that propagate the principles of ‘Sanatana Dharma’ and, most importantly, about ‘Bhavishya Malika,’ a treatise written in Odia language about 600 years back which has prophecies of many important events throughout the World like when will Kaliyug end, who will be the last Prime Minister of India, when will World War 3 start, etc. 

Bhavishya Malika forecasts that in the next 3-4 years, the World shall witness and experience the following:

* World War III

* Shortage of Foodgrains

* Cyclones & Tornados

* Floods and Tsunami

* Volcanic Eruptions and devastation thru Fire

* Earthquake 

* Famine & Starvation

* Pandemics

In 2025, when Shani (Saturn) enters Meena Rashi (Pisces), all the above-predicted disasters will manifest themselves. It is also prophesied that all digital technologies and communication systems will fail during this time.

Pandit Shree Kashinath Mishra, our principal speaker, studied Malika for over four decades. With the grace of Lord Shree Jagannath, he has been preaching the essence of Malika, with the sole purpose of spreading the teachings of our Aryan and Vedic traditions before the imminent destruction and protecting humanity. 

On various social media  platforms, we have been providing detailed descriptions of the end of Kali Yuga, the incarnation of Kalki, forewarnings about World war 3, the impending doom that Pancha Bhoota will cause, and different important events as prophesied in ‘Bhavishya Malika.’ Kalki Avatar has descended on Earth. There will be inconceivable change worldwide for the next few years, and Satyayug will manifest by 2031-32. We have been sharing the proof of and related information on our social media platforms. 

We pray that you use information shared in this website towards your spiritual journey and ultimately take shelter of Lord Kalki 🙏