Dharma is the biggest wealth—the Importance of adhering to Dharma during the coming times.

The concept of Dharma, or righteousness, is of utmost importance in Sanatan Dharma. According to that, even a person who is influential but lacks righteousness will eventually face the wrath of God. The importance of Dharma is emphasized in the coming times, as Mahapurush Achyutananda has written in the ‘Bhavishya Malika Chakda Madan’ treatise about the outbreak of unknown diseases and illnesses.

Mahapurush Achyutananda has also written in the ‘Bhavishya Malika Chakda Madan‘ treatise,

“ehi ghora kali

līlā bhali bhali

prāṇī hebe patha baṇā”

Mahapurush Achyutananda has written this, ‘ehi ghora kali līlā bhali bhali’ means, In this Kali Yuga, Prabhu’s (The Lord’s) Leela (pastimes) will happen in multiple phases, the first, second, third, and likewise by various means and methods.

Human society will not be able to comprehend that. So, Mahapurush Achyutananda has written, ‘prāṇī hebe patha baṇā,’ i.e., humans won’t be able to find a way out. They won’t be able to understand what is going on and what will happen.

Many people still have this lingering doubt that Kali Yuga has not ended yet. If Kali Yuga has not ended, why is the world’s present situation so miserable?

So, when we delve into ‘Shreemad Bhagwat,’ ‘Shreemad Mahabharat,’ ‘Shree Ram Charit Manas’ and ‘Valmiki Ramayana,’ we will conclude that when ‘Dharma Sansthapana’ happens, when there is an epochal change, during that time, significant changes are visible in society. Pandemics and disease outbreaks become prevalent in society. People become emaciated. The intensity of the sun’s rays increases exponentially. And there will be repeating climate change patterns, earthquakes, cataclysmic disasters due to fire and floods, pandemics, outbreaks of different diseases and illnesses, communal violence, calamitous flooding due to the rising sea levels ,and intense rainfall. All these catastrophic events will plague society and the world. Such events are now visible in the world.

When Ravana was yet to be killed by Shree Ram, Shree Ram had already been born and was in exile. Ravana was still alive. During that time, the situation of the world was similar to what the case is in the modern world. The problems that existed then exist now in society as well. Like we have earthquakes repeatedly, there are catastrophic fires and floods throughout the world, there are many incidents of communal violence. Along with that we have pandemics, diseases, and illnesses. Similarly, such events were commonplace before Ravana was about to be killed.

Mahamuni Valmiki has written about that in Valmiki Ramayana.

“tataḥ prajagmuḥ praśamaṁ marudgaṇā

diśaḥ prasedurvimalaṁ nabho’bhavat

                                             mahī cakampe na ca māruto vavau  


This verse signifies that the extreme weather conditions and angst in society that exists now, existed during the time prior to Ravana being slayed by Sri Ram. After Ravana was slayed, diseases and illnesses became non-existent, the scorching sun’s rays became soothing and gentle. The guardians of the ten directions governed the world nicely, Light, gentle winds having the fragrance of sandalwood blew. The life spans of the people became longer, diseases and illnesses got eradicated, old age became extinct, everyone became youthful, Peace and happiness was restored in society.

The deplorable situation that exists now is a part of ‘Kalki Leela.’ ‘Kalki Leela’ is unfolding now. Kali Yuga has ended. We have told about that repeatedly. Try to see it visually and understand it with your mind because Kali Yuga has ended, and the ‘Dharma Sansthapana’ task will continue until 2029-30 and Satya Yuga will completely manifest by 2032. Since we have taken birth during this time, we will need to witness the forthcoming mayhem.

Mahapurush Achyutananda has written this in his treatise ‘Chakda Madan’,

“māyā andhakāre buḍi rahithibe

ākhi thāi sie je kaṇā”

“māyā andhakāre buḍi rahithibe” means people at large will be engrossed in pursuit of selfish enjoyment. Today humanity has been receiving several signs telling it to change. We were cautioned in 2020,2021,2022. We are receiving warnings in 2023. We will continue to be alerted in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 and 2029. Thus, we will continually be getting the warnings to adopt the path of righteousness.

Thus, we will continually be getting the warnings to adopt the path of righteousness. But disdainfully, humanity will be under the clutches of ‘maya’, meaning will be a victim of pride in ability, ranking and wealth. Concerned with just one’s pleasures and comforts and filled with conceit, malice, pride, and delusion, the people of Kali Yuga generally will not pay heed to topics related to ‘Bhagawat‘ (The Lord). For the very same reason, they will face the pangs of tensions and miseries.

Mahapurush Achyutananda has written about this. The person bestowed with eyes and the power of vision can see clearly, but the blind can never see anything, even if they have eyes. In other words, people will be blinded due to their pride in ability, ranking and wealth. So, they are as good as being blind despite having eyes. Presently such is the situation.

“śrī achyuta ra bāṇī   pathara ra gāra

       parbate phuṭibā kaeen

pūrba surya abā paścime ku jibe

 mo bachana satya ehi”

Mahapurush Achyutananda has written this rendition with great conviction, Mahapurush Achyutananda has said that the prophecies in Malika that I am writing are the divine words of Lord Krishna, Vishnu and ‘Nirakar Bhagwan’ (The Formless God.) He has sent me to propagate this message among the devotees. That is the only reason I am writing Malika. I am not writing this for everyone.

So Mahapurush Achyutananda has written this, ‘pūrba surya abā paścime ku jibe’, Meaning, The sun which always rises in the east may rise in the west,In the coming days, this is going to happen; however, the prophecies in Malika that I am writing will never be false.

It is high time human society comprehends what  is written in Malika, follows its guidance, and takes the Lord’s refuge. Then they will undoubtedly get protection. Otherwise, they won’t get protection. At this crucial time when the end is near, human society will witness complete mayhem and carnage in the coming days.

However, there is nothing to fear if one is steadfast in righteousness. Bhavishya Malika proclaims that ‘Satya’ (Truth), ‘Shanti’ (Peace), ‘Daya’ (Kindness), ‘Kshama’ (Forgiveness) and ‘Maitri’ (Friendship) are the five gems that one should always adorn.

This is also the advice in the verses of Bhavishya Malika to all those big and famous ‘sadhus’. One hasn’t become a saint to earn money, wealth, fame, or to build a fortune. The saints should live an austere and saintly life. In this world, a few saints have donned the role of a saint to earn themself a living. They feign to propagate the Lord’s name, and misusing the Lord’s name, they mint wealth. But such people will not get exempted from the devastation during the end of Kali Yuga. People who trade religion, use it as a business and sell treaties and prophecies will not be spared. Time is posing an ample warning to such people. Even now, there is time to mend their ways.

One must understand the need to abandon a luxurious life and lead a simple saintly life. Because religion is always specific, stable, simple and straightforward, it doesn’t have anything extraordinary. A true saint is one who, along with the devotees, leads an austere and simple life.

So Mahapurush Achyutananda has written this in Bhavishya Malika,

“Whatever I’ve foretold in Malika, one by one, each of them will come true. If human society curbs its misdeeds, there will be no misfortune in this world.”

Further, Mahapurush Achyutanandaa has written in Bhavishya Malika,

“malla malla daaka saata thara heba thoke jibe ra renu hoi,

gyani janamanein ghabora hoibe, agyani thibe ta kahin,

Leela udaya heba, bhakatanka leela bhari hoiba, leela udaya heba”

Through these verses, Mahapurush Achyutananda, in his treatise ‘Chakda Madan’ has warned the devotees and the entire human society. Picture this with the situation we’ve been seeing since 2020, when we have been perpetually hearing news of someone or other deaths worldwide. Even in 2023, news of people dying continues. In this context, Mahapurush Achyutananda has written,

“malla malla daaka saata thara heba thoke jibe ra renu hoi,

gyani janamanein ghabora hoibe, agyani janibe kahuun”

So, Mahapurush Achyutananda has written that the news of death (‘malla malla’ i.e., ‘died died’) will reverberate seven times across the globe. Once each year, for a stipulated time, just like we’re seeing now, between the years 2020 and 2027, news of deaths will be prevalent everywhere.

Mahapurush Achyutananda has written, ‘thoke jibe ra renu hoi’. This means many people would die (‘renu’ means ‘demise’).

Seeing the rampant scene of deaths, the saints and sages (‘sadhu santa’) who’ve been misleading the society, selling religion and making a fortune out of religion, having abandoned the monasteries and temples, are leading a luxurious life, will be shell-shocked!

What is going to happen? Why is it going to happen? Indeed, it (news of death) will happen this way only! Even for the devotees and devout people leading a pious life, Malika emanates warnings. If they comprehend and heed it, they can witness ‘Satya Yuga. Those who do not understand these warnings will not transcend into ‘Satyayuga‘!

So, for the followers of Sanatan Dharma worldwide and from India, and for human society, there is no other option but to follow the religion. There is no other option but to follow the Vedic path. One ought to live a simple life.

Lead as simple a life as you can. Whatever wealth you have, share it with the poor and needy of society. By doing so, you’ll accrue spiritual credit. Today, the entire world is ridden with diseases, and everybody is worried.

Scientists and experts from pharmacology are striving round the clock to rescue human society from these widespread diseases. But despite their efforts, we must anchor ourselves to ‘Dharma’ (religion and righteousness).Because nothing else is more robust than ‘Dharma.’ One who has ‘Dharma’, that person is the wealthiest. One who has a hefty bank balance is not the wealthiest. One who is very capable is not a tall figure. But one with ‘Dharma’, righteousness, and piousness is the wealthiest!

            These days, animals co-live with humans. Lot of people keep different types of animals in their homes, such as dogs, cows, goats and many more. So, why are these animals not inflicted with diseases prevalent in human society. When the disease infects members of the same household, how are the pet animals staying with them in the same family unaffected?

Human society should reflect on these questions and comprehend Malika. This will bring welfare to humans. So, everybody should get rid of vices such as ego, sense of divide due to class, wealth or otherwise, the feeling of ‘I, me, mine vs. yours’, and self-centeredness. Because the time will come when all will be equal, when the rich and poor, and intellects and slow-witted will be on equal footing. There’ll be the same set of rules, one constitution for all. And to establish religion and righteousness, the Supreme Lord has already taken birth in a human form in this mortal world in Odisha, India.

If we fail to understand these, then we will be part of the devastations of Kali Yuga. Only to rectify human society, Kali Yuga’s Mahapurush Achyutananda, who was Lord Krishna’s friend ‘Sudam’ in Dwaparyug, ‘Krupal’ in Satya Yuga, and ‘Nal’ in Treta Yuga, has written Malika. Lord Krishna (Lord is also referred to as ‘Nirakaar’ or formless) providentially told Mahapurush Achyutananda, “Look, you write Malika that will guide my devotees to the correct path 500 years from now. They’ll understand and follow these writings, correct themselves, and hence transcend from Kali Yuga to Satya Yuga, an era of Ramrajya, and feel being in the divine abode of Vrindaban. Human society should detangle itself from all the vices, enmity, pride, envy, violence, and ego, and embracing all good virtues should walk on the path of Dharma (righteousness).”

Upon doing so, human society can lead a happy and content life and will be shielded from sorrows. The Deities, ‘Pañcha Bhūtas’, ‘Ashta Vasu’ (eight elemental gods),and 330 million gods and goddesses will protect people from calamities and bestow prosperity. Hence, society will lead a very blissful life.

Jai Shree Madhaba!