Signs about the end of Kali Yuga from the holy land of Lord Jagannath

The Panchasakha of Odisha  were instructed by Lord Shree Jagannath, the incorporeal (who is formless), to inscribe the holy scripture, Bhaviṣya Mālikā. This sacred text predominantly describes the social, physical, and geographical transformations that indicate the end of the Kali Yuga. According to the scriptures, the land of Shree Jagannath is considered to be ‘Martya Vaikuntha’, which means it is the earthly abode of Lord Maha-Vishnu.

The Bhaviṣya Mālikā holds great spiritual significance as it was inscribed upon the instruction of Lord Jagannath, who is revered as the embodiment of divinity.  Through this revered text, one can gain insights into the various transformations that will take place and mark the end of the Kali Yuga, a period of chaos and turmoil in the cycle of creation. Moreover, Bhaviṣya Mālikā is a significant scripture that sheds light about the end of the Kali Yuga and the Incarnation of Lord Kalki, the tenth Avatar of Lord Maha-Vishnu.   

According to the Bhaviṣya Mālikā, once 5000 years of Kali Yuga have been completed, and as per the wish of the Lord, various omens will appear from Shree Jagannath’s Nilachal Kshetra.  These indications or signals will remove all doubts and confusion from the minds of devotees and provide clear evidence that the Kali Yuga has ended.  The indications will also help devotees comprehend that it is the time for the appearance of Lord Kalkidev.

Mahapurush Achyutananda penned down in his Malika ‘Gupta Gyana’

“dibya singha anke bābū saraba dekhibu

chādi cakā galu bolī niścaya jāṇibū

nara bāluta rupare āmbhe janamibū”

(Source: Gupta Gyana, Achyutananda Das)


In the above verse, great sage Achyutananda speaks of Gajapati Maharaja Divya Singh Dev IV, the current titular king of Puri, the land of Lord Shree Jagannath. The Gajapati Maharaj of Puri holds the esteemed position of ‘Sevak-Raja/Adyasevaka,’ also known as the first and foremost servitor of the Lord Shree Jagannath.

According to the tradition established by King Indradyumna, successive Kings of Puri were in-charge of Shree Jagannath region (Kshetra) at different times . The holy scripture Bhaviṣya Mālikā specifies that when Divya Singh Dev IV reigns as the King of Puri, the Kali Yuga will have completed 5000 years. As we are currently in the 5,125th year of Kali Yuga, it can be inferred that Gajapati Maharaj Divya Singh Dev IV is the reigning King of Puri during this critical juncture in cosmic time, the end of Kali Yuga and the start of Satya Yuga. 

The above verse from Bhaviṣya Mālikā also lucidly suggests that when Divya Singh Dev IV reigns as the King of Puri, Lord Jagannath will incarnate as Kalki Avatar, taking human form to re-establish righteousness or Satya Sanatan Dharma.

Mahapurush Achyutananda inscribed in ‘Aṣṭa Gujjari’

“pūrva bhānu abā paścime jiba

Acyuta bacana āna nohiba

parvata śikhare phuṭiba kaīn

Acyuta bacana mithyā nuhai

thula sunyaku mu kariṇa āsa

thike bhaṇile Śrī Acyuta Dāsa”

(Source: Asta Gujjari, Achyutananda Das)


In the above verse, Mahapurush Achyutananda confidently asserts the purity and authenticity of Bhaviṣya Mālikā to inspire devotion and faith among devotees. The essence of the verse mentioned is that even if extraordinary events like the rising of the Sun in the West, the setting of the Sun in the East, the North Pole shifting to the South, the South Pole relocating to the North, or lotus flowers blooming on mountain peaks may occur, but the dictums inscribed by sage Achyutananda in Bhaviṣya Mālikā are like ‘lines or marks in stone’ that are unalterable/ ineffaceable. They are believed to be the words of Lord Maha-Vishnu, the incorporeal (formless), and will always remain true and never be wrong.

divya keśarī rājā hoiba

tebe kaliyuga sariba

caturtha dibya singha thiba

se kāle kaliyuga thiba

(Source: Bhaviṣya Mālikā, Achyutananda Das)


In the above verse, Mahapurush Achyutananda proclaims that the reign of King Divya Singh Dev IV in Shree Kshetra (region where Lord Jagannath resides, i.e., Puri) will herald the beginning of Satya Yuga. This will occur just before the completion of Kali Yuga, but unfortunately, nobody will witness the full effect of Satya Yuga. This transitional period between Kali Yuga and Satya Yuga will be known as Ananta Yuga or the interlude or cusp between the two yugas.

      Mahapurush Jagannath Das, who appeared from the divine smile of Maa Radharani, has also proclaimed the assertion as mentioned above through the following verse:

Puruṣottama deba rājānka ṭhāru

unabīnsa rājā hebe seṭhāru

unabīnsa rājā pare rājā nāhin āu

akulī hoibe kulaku bohu

(Source: Compostion by: Ati Badi  Jagannath Das)


‘Ati Badi’ (The greatest) Jagannath Das was a revered spiritual figure who shared a close bond with sage Achyutananda and was also one of the Panchasakha of Odisha, believed to have been incarnated from the divine laughter of Maa Radharani on the auspicious day of ‘Radhastami’.  In his above verse, Mahapurush Jagannath Das prophesized that Shree Purushottam Dev would be the first king of the sacred region of Shree Jagannath.

In addition to his prophecy about Shree Purushottam Dev as the first king, Mahapurush Jagannath Das also foretold that 19 kings would rule in succession the land of Nilachal Kshetra and would govern the Jagannath temple management. Mahapurush Jagannath Das also writes that the 19th king will not have any sons.  In the present time, the prophecy is coming true as the present King, Gajapati Maharaj Divya Singh Dev IV, is carrying out the responsibilities as the 19th king with no son as a successor. This provides substantial evidence that the writings of Bhaviṣya Mālikā are true, as the 600-year-old inscriptions of Mahapurush Panchasakha have become a reality. Today, devotees of the Lord Jagannath are witnessing the prophesied signs, which substantiate the writings of ‘Malika’ that Kali Yuga has ended, and the process of re-establishment of righteousness, or Satya Sanatan Dharma is underway.

Mahapurush Achyutananda Das has documented in Bhaviṣya Mālikā

cularu pathara jebe khasiba sūta

khasile aṁlā bedhāru heba e kali hata

(Source: Bhaviṣya Mālikā, Achyutananda Das)


Mahapurush Achyutananda Das has written to inform devotees that when a stone falls from the main temple of Shree Jagannath,  or ‘Amla Bedha’, the western gate interior complex, of Shree Jagannath temple, it will signal the end of Kali Yuga. This prophecy came true when a pot-shaped stone weighing about a ton fell from the western gate’s interior complex on 16th June 1990. Although the Government appointed a committee to investigate the incident, scientists have been unable to determine where and how the massive stone fell, which is astonishing. Nevertheless, the fall of the massive stone from the ‘Amla Bedha’ provides clear evidence that the prophecies of Panchasakha and other sages are accurate, and Kali Yuga has indeed ended.

       In the ‘Garuda Samvad’  section of his scripture Bhaviṣya Mālikā, Mahapurush Achyutananda relates that one day, Vinita’s son Garuda, who is a revered devotee and mount of Lord Maha-Vishnu, asked Lord Maha-Vishnu a significant question. Garuda asked Lord Maha-Vishnu whether He had incarnated in all four yugas and whether, at the end of Kali Yuga, He would come again as Kalki. Garuda further inquired whether, at that time, the Vaishnav devotees of all four yugas would unite with Lord Kalki.

      Garuda asked Lord Maha-Vishnu what signs devotees would witness in the land of Shree Jagannath, also known as Martya Vaikuntha, when Lord Jagannath would leave Nilachal and incarnate from a wooden Brahma (Daru Brahma) to human form. He wanted to know how devotees could recognize that the Kali Yuga had ended and Kalki Avatar had taken birth. Garuda also asked how devotees could receive Maha-Vishnu’s blessings and divine association by following the inscriptions in Bhaviṣya Mālikā. 

Further Mahapurush Achyutananda has written in the Bhaviṣya Mālikā,

“bada deulaku āpaṇe jebe tejyā karibe

ki ki sanketa dekhile mane pratye hoibe”

(Source: Bhaviṣya Mālikā, Achyutananda Das)


The above statement suggests that the devotees will receive specific signs when Lord Jagannath departs from Nilachal Kshetra. These signs will reassure them and will serve as confirmation that the Lord has indeed left.

In response Lord Krishna is saying to Garuda,

“garuda mukhaku cāhiṇa kahucanti Acyuta

kṣetrare rahibe Ananta Bimalā Lokanātha”

(Source: Bhaviṣya Mālikā, Achyutananda Das)


Lord Krishna announced that upon His departure from Nilachal, His elder brother Balarama would take over the responsibility of Nilachal Kshetra, Maa Vimala, the embodiment of shakti or pure energy, and Loknath Mahaprabhu would also remain present at the Nilachal Kshetra. However, Lord Krishna himself would incarnate in human form.

Subsequently, Garuda posed a question to Lord Krishna, asking what the initial sign would be for the devotees to realize that Lord Jagannath had left Nilachal Kshetra if they were to follow the signs from Bhaviṣya Mālikā.

Again, Mahapurush Achyutananda has penned,

“deularu cuna chādiba cakra bakra hoiba

māhāliā hoi bhārata anka kaṭāu thiba”

(Source: Bhaviṣya Mālikā, Achyutananda Das)


According to the verse, a time will come when the lime coatings of the Jagannath temple will peel off, and the ‘Neela Chakra‘ the metal wheel at the temple’s top, will get deformed. It is also believed that India’s economic condition will be in crisis during that time.

Interestingly, during the tenure of Dr. Chandrasekhar as Prime Minister of India, the lime coatings did come off from the Jagannath temple, and the country was going through an economic crisis. However, India was able to overcome the situation by implementing the hedge economy and pledging three thousand tons of gold. These events seem to align with the predictions made in Bhaviṣya Mālikā, which were written 600 years ago by Mahapurush Achyutananda.

Mahaprabhu Shree Krishna then expounds on the next sign,

“bada deularu pathara jebe khasiba puṇa

gr̥dhra pakṣī je basiba aruṇa stambheṇa”

(Source: Bhaviṣya Mālikā, Achyutananda Das)


It is prophesied in Bhaviṣya Mālikā regarding the Jagannath temple that a stone will inevitably fall from the ‘Amla Bedha’ at some point in time. This event will be accompanied by the sighting of a vulture bird perched on the ‘Aruna Stambh’, which is a 34  feet tall stone pillar situated approximately 20 feet away from the main Lion Gateway of the temple. The ‘Aruna Stambh’ houses an idol of ‘Aruna’, the charioteer of the Sun. According to Malika these two events are inextricably linked and will occur almost in the same time frame.

It has been proven that this premonition holds, as a stone did fall from the ‘Amla Bedha’ and a vulture bird was sighted sitting on the ‘Aruna Stambh’ in the past. According to the classical Sanatan tradition, if a vulture bird perches on top of a house, it is regarded as a bad omen and is believed to bring misfortune to the inhabitants of the house. Similarly, the presence of the vulture bird atop the ‘Aruna Stambh’ of Jagannath temple, as Lord Jagannath is considered the Lord of the universe, is interpreted as a warning sign of an impending catastrophe for all of mankind. It is seen as the first indication of the end of Kali Yuga and the time of the re-establishment of Satya Sanatan Dharma.

Thereafter, Mahapurush Achyutananda confabulated the great devotee ‘Garuda

“ehī sanketa ku jānithā hetu mati kī neī

tora mora bheṭa hoiba madhya sthala re jāī”

(Source: Bhaviṣya Mālikā, Achyutananda Das)

Purport: Garuda, the great devotee, and mount of Lord Maha-Vishnu once approached the Lord and inquired about the possibility of meeting Him when He takes on the form of Kalkidev and incarnates on Earth. Garuda was eager to obtain the Lord’s darshan and dedicate himself to His service. He asked the Lord, “O Lord! when you take on the form of Lord Kalki and are born on Earth, where can I meet you? How can I obtain your darshan so that I may fully devote myself to your service?”

            Lord Maha-Vishnu responded to Garuda’s question,  saying, “My dear Garuda, when I incarnate in the form of Kalki and appear on Earth, you will be able to find me at a specific location where Lord Brahma’s sacred pillar, also known as ‘Subha Stambh,’ is located. This pillar is believed to be the Sun pillar (Surya Stambh) of the Earth and is therefore considered to be the center of the planet.

      Mahapurush Achyutananda, in his text ‘Hari-Arjuna Chautisa,’ discussed the signs that would indicate the end of Kali Yuga and the birth of the Kalki Avatar. He mentioned the numerous signs that would be observed within the sacred courtyard of Shree Jagannath temple, also known as Shree Mandir.

“Nīlācala chādi āmbhe jibu jetebele

lāgiba ratna cānduā agni sete bele

niśā kāle mandiraru corī heba hele

bada deūlumohara khasiba patthara

basiba je gr̥dhra pakṣī aruṇa stambhara

batāsa re bakra heba nīlacakra mora”

(Source: Hari-Arjuna Chautisa, Achyutananda Das)


In the above-mentioned verse from his text ‘Hari-Arjuna Chautisa,’ Mahapurush Achyutananda presented a list of signs that would indicate the end of Kali Yuga and the time when Lord Jagannath would leave Nilachal Kshetra and incarnate as Lord Kalki. He prophesied that when Lord Jagannath would leave Nilachal, the bejeweled canopy above His ornamented throne would catch fire, there would be theft in the temple at midnight, stones would fall from the sanctum sanctorum of the temple, severe thunderstorms would buckle the ‘Neela Chakra’ (the metal wheel on top of the Shree Jagannatha temple), and vultures would dare to sit atop His ‘Aruna Stambh.’ All these events have already occurred at the Shree Jagannatha temple, thereby authenticating the prophecies of the Bhaviṣya Mālikā. These events  substantiate the assertion made in the ‘Bhaviṣya Mālikā regarding the end of Kali Yuga.

     In the second chapter of his scripture ‘Kaliyug Gita’, Mahapurush Achyutananda revealed several unique signals from the realm of Lord Jagannath.

“muhi Nīlācala chādi jibi ho Arjuna

mohara bhaṁḍāra ghare thiba jete dhana

tānhire kalankī lāgi jiba kṣhaya hoi

mohara sevaka māne bāṭare na thāī”

(Source: Kaliyug Gita, Achyutananda Das)


In the scripture ‘Kaliyug Gita,’ Arjun inquired Lord Shree Krishna about the signals that would be visible from the Jagannath temple when he leaves the Nilachal Kshetra. Lord Shree Krishna responded that when He departs Nilachal Kshetra, all the wealth and valuables stored in His treasury vault would be tarnished and destroyed. His servitors would not follow the path of righteousness, and the remaining wealth would be stolen from the treasury vault.

Again, in the second chapter of his text ‘Kaliyug Gita’, sage Achyutananda wrote

bahuta anyāya kari arajibi dhana

tanhire tāhānka duḥkha nohiba mocana

khāibāku namiliba kichi na anṭiba

mohara bada paṇḍānku anna na miliba

mohara bada deūlu khasiba patthara

Śrīkṣetra rājana mora nasebi payara

rājya jiba nānā duḥkha pāibā ṭī sei

tānkū mānya na kariba anya rājā kehi

(Source: Kaliyug Gita, Achyutananda Das)


The verse highlights the deteriorating state of affairs that will take place in Lord Jagannath’s holy land after the Lord departs. Lord Jagannath has enunciated that at the end of Kali Yuga, there will be a significant increase in injustice and crime in His holy land when He departs Nilachal Kshetra. Additionally, His servitors will resort to unscrupulous ways to earn money and cheat devotees. Stones will also fall from the sanctum sanctorum of the temple. Unfortunately, a time will come when even the chief servitor will not be able to manage his livelihood.

Mahapurush Achyutananda spoke of another sign from Shree Jagannatha Kshetra in the following:

“pejanalā phuṭī tora paḍiba bijulī

se juge jiba kī prabhu Nīlāncala chādi”

(Source: Bhaviṣya Mālikā, Achyutananda Das)


The arrival time of the end time of Kali Yuga will be signaled by a lightning strike in the kitchen of the Lord  Jagannath temple. At that time Lord Jagannath will leave Nilachal Kshetra and incarnate into the human body. These events occurred in the past when the kitchen of Jagannath temple was struck by lightning, indicating that Lord Jagannath has already left the temple and incarnated into human form.

     In his text ‘Chausathi Patala,Mahapurush Achyutananda discussed an additional indicator from Nilachal Kshetra related to ‘Kalpavata’ (the holy wish-fulfilling banyan tree). The glory of Kalpavata is specifically mentioned, and prophecies are connected to the breaking of its stem, the end of Kali Yuga, and the appearance of Lord Kalki, the 10th incarnation of Maha-Vishnu.

“se baṭa mulare Arjuna jehu basiba danḍe

mr̥tyu samaye na padiba yama rājara danḍe

se baṭa mohara bigraha jahun hele āghāta

mote bada bādhā lāgaī suṇa maghabāsūta

se baṭaru khanḍe bakala jehu deba chadaāī

mohara carma chaḍāilā pari jñānta huai”

(Source: Chausathi Patala, Achyutananda Das)


The holy Banyan tree, also known as Kalpavata, located inside the courtyard of Shree Jagannath temple, is considered to be like Lord  Jagannath himself in the form of a tree. Kalpavata is compared to the body of God, and it is proclaimed that even a small outer piece of bark being broken from the tree can cause extreme discomfort to God.  In the past, the branches of the Kalpavata tree were repeatedly broken, which substantiates the inscriptions of Mahapurush Achyutananda that Lord Jagannath left the Nilachal Kshetra and incarnated in human form. 

Mahapurush Achyutananda has presented this again as

Kalpbaṭa ghāta heba jetebele

Nīlācala chādi jibe Madana gopāle

Kalpbaṭa śākhā chiḍi padiba se kale

nānā akarma māna heba kṣetrabare

Rūdra ṭhāru unavinśa paryanta seṭhāre

sthāpanā hoibe mora sevādī bhābare

bada deulare muhīn narahibī bīra

bāhāra hoibi dekhi nara atyācāra”

(Source: Bhaviṣya Mālikā, Achyutananda Das)


Mahapurush Achyutananda discussed the significance of the holy Banyan tree, Kalpavata, stating that when a branch of the tree would break, injustice, immoral acts, and anarchy will start spreading hastily in the land of Shree Jagannath and around the world. During that time, Lord Jagannath will leave the temple and incarnate as Kalki Avatar. Bhaviṣya Mālikā prophesies that fresh servitors will be recruited by the Odisha Government for the management of the Jagannath temple when Kalkidev is between 11 to 19 years old. This prophecy had come true in the past when the branches of Kalpavata broke and Odisha Government hired fresh servitors. Hence, it is evident that Lord Jagannath has already incarnated. 

In a similar context, Mahapurush Achyutananda further states that

“bada deūlu mohara patthara khasiba

gr̥dhra pakṣī Neela cakra upare basiba

dine dine calure mu na hoibi dr̥śya

bhoga sabu potā heba jāna pāṇḍu śiṣya

samudra juāra māḍi āsība nikaṭe

rakṣyā nakaribe kehi prāṇīnku sankaṭe

(Source: Bhaviṣya Mālikā, Achyutananda Das)


The historic Jagannath tradition dictates that when the  ‘Mahaprasad’  (edible offerings to Lord Jagannath) is offered, the chief servitor glimpses Lord Jagannath in the offerings. However, the prophecies of Bhaviṣya Mālikā indicate that the tradition will be disrupted in the future when a vulture sits atop the ‘Neela Chakra’ and stones fall sporadically from the sanctum sanctorum of the Jagannath temple. As a result, it is believed that  Mahaprabhu Jagannath will not give darshan in the Mahaprasad. Furthermore, during this time, the Mahaprasad will lose its ritual sanctity and will have to be trashed by burying it in the ground.

      Mahapurush Achyutananda’s prophetic verse in Bhaviṣya Mālikā predicts that when the vulture sits atop the Neela Chakra, and stones will fall from the sanctum sanctorum of the temple, Lord Jagannath will stop giving His glimpse in the Mahaprasad offerings, and Mahaprasad will lose its ritual sanctity and be discarded frequently. These are premonitions of great destruction.  In this context, Mahapurush Achyutananda Das warns that at this time, the sea level will rise very high, and there will be floods on Earth, which is already becoming evident today. After that, many more significant crises are still to come. Therefore, as a compassionate saint and a well-wisher of the people in Kali Yuga, he warned them to change their mindset, become fully devoted to Vaishnavism, and give up vices such as eating non-vegetarian food and other sinful activities.

Mahapurush Achyutananda further elaborated on this,

“Śrī dhāmaru eka bada pāṣāṇa khasiba

dibasare ullūka tāra upare basiba

mo bhubane ulkāpāta heba ghana ghana

jeu sabu aṭe bābū amangala cinha”

(Source: Bhaviṣya Mālikā, Achyutananda Das)


According to the prophecies in Bhaviṣya Mālikā  by Mahapurush Achyutananda, there will be signs for the devotees to observe when Kali Yuga ends, and Lord Jagannath incarnates as Kalkidev. These signs include a massive stone falling from the Shree Jagannatha temple and an owl sitting on it during the daytime.  These events have already taken place in the courtyard of the temple, confirming the veracity of the prophecy. Furthermore, Mahapurush Achyutananda also foretold that many meteoroids would strike the land of Shree Jagannath, and as all the signs of Bhaviṣya Mālikā have come true, likely, we will soon witness this devastation.

🙏 Jay Shree Madhaba 🙏