Signs of the end of Kali Yuga

Kali Yuga has already ended. To validate this fact, the revered sages, known as the Panchasakha in their books of Bhaviṣya Mālikā, had explicitly described the indications that signify the end of the Yuga. They are listed below:

(a)    The forthcoming changes in human civilization:

  1. Many men and women in society will suffer from infertility resulting in no progeny.
  2. Gender transformation will be medically feasible, and many people will change their gender.
  3. Children will resort to murdering their parents for the sake of wealth and passionate desires.
  4. The tradition of a joint family will disappear in society. Not only will the brothers but the husband and wife also live separately.
  5. Children will abandon their old parents, forcing them to live separately or in old age homes (Retirement homes).
  6. People will suffer from various ailments and rely heavily on medicines to survive.
  7. Abortion and infanticide will become more common.
  8. Extra-marital affairs will become commonplace in the society.
  9. The husband-wife relationship will lack purity.
  10. Human society will stop worshipping Gods and Goddesses.
  11. Children will not perform annual ancestral offerings (Pind-daan Puja) to their departed parents.
  12. Children will not attend their parent’s funeral rites.
  13. Widows will perform the funeral rites of the deceased ones and give holy offerings to them.
  14. Marriages will occur between a man and a man.
  15. Marriages will occur between women.
  16. Marriages will occur between brother and sister.
  17. In some cases, fathers will have inappropriate (incestuous) relations with their daughters.
  18. Men and women will adopt improper attire, influenced by the western culture that is often provocative and deemed inappropriate by traditional standards.
  19. Men will also give birth to children.
  20. Men will adopt unconventional hairstyles, such as keeping their hair on their heads while shaving it above the ears.
  21. Marriages will occur between the maternal aunt and nephew.
  22. Marriages will occur between the paternal aunt and nephew.
  23. There will be illicit relationships between the mother-in-law and son-in-law.
  24. The maternal uncle will settle down with his niece.
  25. Everyone will adopt western culture and dress accordingly.
  26. Married women will not wear vermilion (sindoor) on their foreheads or bangles on their wrists.
  27. In Kali Yuga, humans will not live their entire lifespan. This means that people will suffer premature death.
  28. People will shun the Bhagavat Gita, Bhagavat Mahapurana and other holy sacred texts and religious teachings and instead will study the Kamashastra or the art of seduction.
  29. People will stop worshiping Maa Tulsi (& holy Tulsi plant).
  30. People will stop worshiping the local deities and family Gods/Goddesses/Kuldevi.
  31. In society, the number of liars will increase significantly.
  32. Individuals who exhibit sinful, corrupt, or ignorant behavior will be honored or rewarded in society.
  33. There will be no consideration of status, castes, or religion in marriages.
  34. Younger men will marry older women.
  35. Wise men will forsake the Gayatri mantra and involve in superstitions and irrational beliefs like magic and sorcery.
  36. Protectors will become predators.
  37. Human society will reject the path of Vedic principles and Dharma.
  38. Women will roam around with their hair untied, and the young ladies will dress inappropriately, provoking nudity.
  39. Women will resort to prostitution for a living.
  40. There will be no King to reign over the countries at the end of Kali Yuga.
  41. On one hand, people will feign to be religious by fasting on Ekadashi day, on the other hand they will consume non-vegetarian food on the other days.
  42. Some people will consume liquor along with ‘Nirmalya,’ (the holy offerings or ‘Mahaprasad’ of Lord Jagannath.)
  43. People will develop a bad habit of eating, sleeping, and relaxing at inappropriate times.
  44. People will consummate at any odd hour of the day, and that will lead to death of the unborn in the womb itself.
  45. Many young unmarried couples will covertly abort the fetus.
  46. .Men will harass and force themselves physically on women and have relationship with them.
  47. There will be an atmosphere of discontent in all the families.

(b)   The forthcoming changes in Nature and the Five physical Elements (Pancha Bhoota):

  1. The Cuckoo (Koel) will sing at midnight.
  2. Mango trees will bloom out of season.
  3. Neem trees will bloom and bear fruit out of season. 
  4. Various trees will bloom and bear fruits untimely.
  5. Paddy will grow in bamboo trees.
  6. The agricultural fields will be infested with insects and pests resulting in no yield.
  7. In many places, there will be uneven harvests leading to a shortage of crops.
  8. Draughts and famines will manifest in many places.
  9. Many humans and animals will die due to lightning strikes.
  10. Cows, who are revered as mothers in Sanatan Dharma, will die prematurely.
  11. Unknown diseases will begin to spread among humans and animals.
  12. Sixty-four types of epidemics will spread on the earth.
  13. There will be an untimely change of seasons and cycle of six seasonal changes will be experienced in only thirteen days.
  14. Untimely flash floods will occur in rivers.
  15. Sun’s rays will be ten times more intense.
  16. Mist and Fog will persist during the daytime.
  17. There will be frequent cyclones accompanied by high tidal waves resulting in significant changes in the coastal lines. 
  18. There will be floods in the deserts.
  19. Due to heavy rainfalls, the mountaintops will experience floods and landslides, leading to innumerable deaths.
  20. Aquatic and sea creatures will die in large numbers.
  21. Many wild animals will enter the human habitat and inflict damage on them.
  22. Due to the intense heat from the Sun, the northern and southern polar ice caps will begin to melt.
  23. Due to severe wildfires, the lives of millions of animals will be at stake.
  24. A series of frequent earthquakes will continually, almost daily, shake many parts of the world, wreaking havoc on mankind.
  25. Jackals will howl during the day.
  26. The color of the cock’s crown will change from red to white.
  27. Lotus flowers will bloom even in the month of Vaishakh, i.e., around April or May.
  28. Everywhere, there will be smoke resulting in low visibility.
  29. Clouds will burst, causing rain on the mountains as well as on the plains.
  30. Every month, some places on the earth will witness storms, cyclones/ tornadoes, etc.
  31. Many new and preexisting dormant volcanoes will become active.

(c) The forthcoming changes in planets and constellations:

  1. The Moon’s rays will appear hazy.
  2. The Sun’s rays will be very strong.
  3. Cycles of rare thirteen-day phases (fortnights) will occur frequently.
  4. Meteorites will frequently fall from the sky.
  5. The occurrence of both Amavasya (new Moon) and Sankranti (the transition of the Sun from one zodiac to another) on the same day is a rare event; however, it will be observed frequently.
  6. The occurrence of both Purnima (Full Moon) and Sankranti (the transition of the Sun from one zodiac to another) on the same day is a rare event; however, it will be observed frequently.
  7. The solar eclipse on the new Moon and the lunar eclipse on the full Moon will be seen within the same fortnight.
  8. An unnatural halo (corona) will be seen around the Sun and the Moon at unexpected times.
  9. Abnormal movements of planets and constellations will be witnessed frequently.
  10. Sun’s rays will become ten times more intense.
  11. There will be frequent changes in the speed of planetary movements.
  12. Planets and constellations will not remain aligned in their designated positions.
  13. Sun and Moon will not be visible for seven days and seven nights, and the Earth will experience complete darkness.
  14. Eventually, Lord Kalki will establish a new Sun, a new Moon, and new constellations.

(d) The forthcoming incidents in the places of worship:

  1. Many temples will be struck by lightning.
  2. In some places, the flags of the temple will get burnt due to lightning.
  3. Theft and vandalism will be so rampant in various temples that even the idols will be stolen.
  4. People will commit evil acts even inside the temples.
  5. Many priests will perform pooja (worship) in temples after consuming meat and alcohol.
  6. Many visitors will also visit the temples after consuming meat and alcohol.
  7. Many temples and spiritual centers will lack the atmosphere of spirituality.
  8. Despite the presence of Gods and Goddesses, the protection and upkeep of temples will be neglected.
  9. Deities will not be worshiped in many places.
  10. Because of all these sinful and evil deeds, the Gods and Goddesses will abandon their shrines.

(e) The forthcoming degeneration of values in Gurus and Disciples:

  1. Many people will abuse the Guru tradition for their material gains and to earn a living.
  2. Gurus will be nescient of Shastra-Puranas (Scriptures and holy texts).
  3. Some people will call themselves Guru by practicing sorcery and the occult.
  4. Those dealing in the exorcism of ghosts and spirits will be honored as great Gurus in society.
  5. Consumption of meat and alcohol will be promoted by some nominal groups of Gurus.
  6. The so-called upper caste people will start fishing with nets and sticks and will not hesitate to take on the role of a butcher.
  7. Brahmacharis (celibates) will not practice celibacy anymore.
  8. People will change their names given by their parents and add titles like Saint, Swami, Dasa, Maharaja, etc., to self-glorify themselves in the rank of a Lord (Thakur) or a Great Man (Mahapurush).
  9. They will call themselves a Guru by merely wearing orange robes and saffron clothes.
  10. They won’t hesitate to cut down the forest and justify this act under the pretext of receiving divine messages in dreams, thus spreading their false glory.
  11. The self-declared Gurus will marry their disciples and call them their consorts.
  12. The so-called Gurus will proclaim themselves as an incarnation of God and glorify themselves.
  13. They will loot people by showing a fake conch (Shankh) and discus (Chakra) on their hands and calling themselves Lord Kalki.
  14. Despite calling themselves Gurus, they will coerce their disciples’ wives into debauchery.
  15. They will fulfill their carnal desires by calling themselves Gopal (Lord Krishna) and female disciples as Gopis (cowherd girls).
  16. By calling themselves Lord Narayan, luring the disciples with the promise of liberation, the Gurus will coerce them to perform daily personal services.
  17. By keeping matted hair, they will declare themselves saints and keep looting people.
  18. Illiterate, ignorant, and indolent people will call themselves servitors of God and, while wearing sacred threads on their shoulders, will deceive innocent people.
  19. Gurus will handpick and gather opulent people as their disciples.
  20. Those who call themselves Gurus will indulge in luxury and comfort using the wealth of disciples.
  21. The so-called Gurus will extract cash, gold, silver ornaments, etc., from their disciples under the guise of offerings by enticing them with a false promise of an accommodation in Vaikuntha (the divine abode).
  22. Some Gurus will lure beautiful women with various temptations and fulfill their carnal desires by making them disciples.

            In the Bhaviṣya Mālikā, the Panchasakha have emphatically declared that all these discernible signs will be witnessed at the completion of Kali Yuga. Because of these changes, things will start to turn upside down. Today, we are seeing many of the signs. Only a few of them are yet to be apparent. In conclusion, it is evident that Kali Yuga has ended, and we are now witnessing the cusp of Kali Yuga and Satya Yuga, known as the Yuga-Sandhya (twilight) or Sangam (confluence) Yuga.