The Three Incarnations of Lord Maha-Vishnu in Kali Yuga

Based on the ‘Bhaviṣya Mālikā,’ authored by the Panchasakha, there will be three incarnations of Lord Maha-Vishnu in the Kali Yuga. Additionally, sage Achyutananda wrote in his scripture ‘Jai Phula Malika’ that,

“kali re tīni janma hebe parā prabhu Śrī Nārāyaṇa jāī phūla lo

jāī phūla lo seta bhakata jiba jībana jāī phūla lo”

(Source: Jai Phula Malika, Achyutananda Das)


In the above verse,  the great sage Achyutananda states that the Supreme Lord Narayana, who is the life force of the devotees, will incarnate three times during the Kali Yuga.

Lord Buddha: The first incarnation of Lord Maha-Vishnu in Kali Yuga

The first incarnation of the Shree Maha-Vishnu in Kali Yuga is Lord Buddha, as mentioned in the famous poetic composition ‘Dashavtar Stotram’ by Shree Jaidev Goswami, a renowned twelfth-century Sanskrit poet and an ardent devotee of Lord Krishna. In the ‘Dashavtar Stotram,’ Jaidev Goswami has inscribed the below verse dedicated to Lord Buddha below:

“nindasi yajna-vidher ahaha sruti-jatam

sadaya-hridaya darsita-pasu-ghatam

kesava dhrita-buddha-sarira jaya jagadisa hare”

(Source: Geeta Govinda, Poet Jaidev Goswami)


“You disregard the injunctions of the Vedas on animal sacrifice, and in Your form, as Buddha, You show compassion to the animals. O Keshava! Victory to You, who appeared as Buddha, the Lord of the Universe.”


During the middle age of the Kali Yuga, the practice of animal sacrifice in Yagnas and ritualistic animal killings with mantra and tantra had become widespread and peaked, leading to the near extinction of the principles of compassion of the Sanatan Dharma. Under the pretext of Vedic sacrifices, every place was practically turned into a slaughterhouse, and animal killing was indulged in unrestrictedly. During this time, Lord Maha-Vishnu took human form as Lord Buddha, His first incarnation in the Kali Yuga. Lord Buddha preached non-violence and professed that He did not believe in the tenets of the Vedic sacrifice. Lord Buddha opposed the prevalent practice of animal sacrifice and re-established righteousness (Sanatan Dharma).

tataḥ kalau sampravṛtte sammohāya sura-dviṣām

buddho nāmnāñjana-sutaḥ kīkaṭeṣu bhaviṣyati

(Source: Shreemad Bhagavat Mahapurana – Canto 1, Chapter 3, Verse 24)


In the above verse, it is said that at a time when all, the rulers, and commoners, are entirely immersed in the sins of injustice, unrighteousness, and killing of animals, then Lord Maha-Vishnu will incarnate as Lord Buddha in the Kikata region to transform them and re-establish Sanatan Dharma.

Before the advent of Lord Buddha, killing animals in the name of Vedic sacrifices was a common practice in society. Lord Buddha vehemently opposed the slaughtering of animals. Lord Buddha’s teachings were crucial in emphasizing the importance of compassion towards all living beings and opposing the misguided interpretation of the Vedas that promoted animal sacrifice.

Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu: The second incarnation of Lord Maha-Vishnu in Kali Yuga

Shree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the second incarnation of Kali Yuga, was born in the village of Nadiya Navdwip in Bengal. He preached extensively and bestowed the  Maha-Mantra of Lord Maha-Vishnu to the world, which is considered a powerful chant for spiritual liberation. Shree Chaitanya also emphasized the principles of non-violence and opposed the killing of animals, which was otherwise prevalent in that era. Additionally, He revived and spread the Vaishnav Dharma, which centers around devotion to Lord Maha-Vishnu and His avatars. Shree Chaitanya’s teachings and actions played a crucial role in promoting peace, compassion, and spiritual upliftment during a time when these values were in danger of being forgotten.

kr̥ṣṇara praghatā triguṭa prakāra

śāstrara śrīmūrti āra bhakta kalebara


Lord Chaitanya was a spiritual leader who taught an independent path of love and devotion (bhakti) as a means to attain God. He emphasized the importance of chanting God’s name, known as ‘Naam Sankirtan,’ and the virtues of non-violence. In addition, through His teachings, He popularized the essence of devotion which includes Vishnu idol worship and reading of the Shreemad Bhagavat Mahapurana.

Lord Kalki: The third incarnation of Lord Maha-Vishnu in Kali Yuga

According to Bhaviṣya Mālikā, it is said that Lord Kalki, the tenth incarnation of Lord Maha-Vishnu, will appear on Earth at the end of Kali Yuga, which is believed to be after the passage of 5000 years. As we are currently in the 5125th year of Kali Yuga,  we ought to understand that Kali Yuga has ended and we are now in the transitional period between Kali Yuga and Satya Yuga, known as Ananta Yuga or the interlude or cusp between the two yugas.

athasu jugasaṁdhyāṁse dasyu prayāseṣu rājasu

janitā Viṣhṇu yaśo namanā Kalki jagatapati


At the conjunction of the two yugas, when the end of the Kali Yuga comes, and the dawn of the Satya Yuga begins, the Lord of the universe, Kalkidev, will incarnate. Above verse states that He will be born to a Vaishnav Brahmin, who would have been singing the glories of Lord Maha-Vishnu. He will appear at a time when the world is engulfed in darkness, injustice, and oppression caused by unrighteous rulers.

śambala-grāma-mukhyasya brāhmaṇasya mahātmanaḥ

bhavane viṣṇuyaśasaḥ kalkiḥ prādurbhaviṣyati

(Source: Shreemad Bhagavat Mahapurana – Canto 12, Chapter 2, Verse 18)


Lord Kalki will appear at the end of the Kali Yuga, to restore order and righteousness to the world. The above verse states that He will take human birth in the home of a prominent Brahmin in Sambal village. This Brahmin, a  staunch devotee  of Lord Maha-Vishnu, will be one who would be singing His glories every day.